The NecromancerFaction: DevoutOf all the spell casters within the ranks of the Devout, few cause as much dread and revulsion as the Necromancer. The skull visage of the Necromancers serves to demoralize opponents by showing them the ultimate irony of their futile cause: that there is no escape from the service of their Dark Master and even in death they will serve him. Drawing on the dark power of the Lords of Hell, Necromancers prolong their existence through arcane ritual and the consumption of the decaying flesh of their victims. The Necromancer © 1998 Target Games Concept Art Type: Close Combat Individual
Special Rules: - Necromancers may purchase spells from the Necromancers´ Spell List. - Steadfast - The Necromancer causes Dread, not fear, in the Swamp Goblins of the Fallen Lands. - Commanding Presence - Causes Fear Equipment: - The Necromancer is armed with the Staff of the Seven Hells. Classification: Undead
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