Chronopia Campaign Rules Version 5.0

Author: ? © 2001


The map will be set up utilizing the battlemist hex based map system.

Each player will have a home territory, 1 of his choice and 2 other random so each player will start with 4 tiles. Placement will follow normal Battlemist rules. Players must place their home territory least 1 tile away from any other player´s home territory.


The area map is composed of hexes representing several different terrain types producing various resources. Each hex depicts a type (desert, plains, forest, mountains, & home) and a resource number (2-5). Each type produces a different kind of resource and some produce more than others. Deserts produce no resources, instead they provide a flat income. Plains produce grain, which is vital to keeping your army supplied. Forests produce wood and mountains produce stone. Both are needed to built and supply fortifications. Home territory’s production depends on the race your playing. Each player’s home income and conversion rates are listed under the Merchant section. Home territories are required for harvest, recruitment and all the other vital functions of running a succesful outpost. If a player loses his

Home Territory he has until the end of the next turn to reclaim it or another´s castle or he is out of the campaign. Each race is assigned a "habitat" type. The benefits of this terrain type are discussed under supply. Those races with 2 or more terrain type options must declare which they are going to take before the map is setup.


Each player may choose to play any race. Dwarves must declare a Primary clan. All Keepers, Totems, and Legion warbands must come from that clan. In addition the entire starting force must be composed solely of that clan. A dwarf player must always have at least 1000 points of primary clan in his army. If at the start of a turn he has less the 1000 points of primary clan, he doesn´t have to disband allied clans. Instead he may only purchase primary clan troops in the recruitment phase until they´re back to minimum strength.

Each player starts the campaign with a force not to exceed 1000 pts. Any points not spent go into that player’s treasury. All starting units are regulars (ie they start with 6 XP). You must also choose 1 of your individuals to represent your overall commander. He starts with 25 XP. You may also choose 1 non MW warband to serve as his bodyguard. This warband starts with 16 XP. However they must always accompany the commander which will limit the commander movement to the speed of his bodyguard. If you have any spell casters in your starting force, do not pay for any spells with your starting 1000 points as spells are purchased later on a battle by battle basis.


Spellcasters are a rarity in any army and even moreso for a small expeditiary force. As such you are limited to 1 spellcaster per 2000 pts of total army size. You may still field them at the normal ratio of 1 per 1000 pts when determining per hex legal ratios. Also if your army has more than 1 spellcaster available to it you cannot have more than x +1 of any single type over the other(s). [So before you could have a second Necromancer you would have to have at least 1 Stalker, and 1 Warped lord. A third Necromancer would require at least 2 & 2 and so on.] Dwarven keepers also follow the exact same point restrictions, ie only 1 per 2000 points but no restrictions as to how many per hex.

Though not as rare as spellcasters, individual heroes are still at a premium. To represent this you are limited to 1 individual per 2 warbands (instead of the normal 1 to 1).


Sons of Kronos Dawn and Shadow Tribes, Firstborn, Devout, Jade Elves and Swamp Goblin armies may all use their allies but with the following restrictions. The entire starting force, detailed below, must be composed solely of your primary army. When purchasing new troops you may choose from either your primary army or your allowed allies. However, if combat should ever bring you beneath the minimum ratio you may not recruit any new allied units until you´ve bought enough primary to reestablish the proper ratio. SOK, SG, & JE must maintain a points ratio of at least 2 to 1, primary to allies. Firstborn may take Tribe of Dawn, and the Devout may take Shadow Tribe allies but must maintain a ratio of at least 3 to 1. The ratio is for your entire army, not per hex like the rest of the structure restrictions. So if you have a 2200 points of SOK & 900 points of allies its legal to have only 100 points SOK and all 900 points of allies in one hex.

As far as alliances between players are concerned you may make any deals that you want. There are only 2 fixed benifits to being allied. Allies may "move thru" each others undefended hexes (see Movement) and the original player keeps control instead of it reverting to nuetral as normal. If it is a defended hex, then their movement stops as normal. Also allies may retreat from each other without making a LD test so long as they do so before setup. At no time may more than 1 player have forces in a single hex at the end of the Combat phase. These benefits are only for "Declared Allies". Alliances are declared to all players during Phase 4c.


Army Commanders represent a minor noble or high ranking officer of that player´s race and are in overall command. A couple of special rules apply to these individuals. Your army commander must be purchased as part of your starting 1000 points. He gets to start with 25 XP instead of 6 XP. Force commanders are the individual model that is in charge of all the troops in that hex. Your force commander is whichever individual involved in the battle that has the highest leadership. If more than 1 model has the highest LD you may pick which one will be you Force commander. If your army commander is present then he is your force commander regardless of whether or not he has the highest LD in your force. All initiative tests are made using the force commander´s LD stat. If the force commander is slain then all following initiative tests are made against the highest LD left in your force but with a penalty of -2.

The following rules apply to any Force commander.
1) All friendly units within 12" and LOS (at least half the unit´s models) get a +2 LD when testing for Fear and Panic.
2) Once the commander has been killed, all friendly units suffer a -2 LD for all Fear and Panic tests for the rest of that battle.
3) If the commander is slain all friendly models (except those that are immune) within 12" must immediatly make a panic test.

The following rules apply to any Army commander instead of those listed above.
1) All friendly units get a +2 LD when testing for Fear and Panic
2) No friendly unit within 12" and LOS (at least half the unit´s models) of a commander will panic.
3) If the commander is slain all friendly models must immediately make a panic test,(even those normally immune) Immune units make a straight LD test while non-immune units suffer a -4 to their LD for this test. If a unit is already panicked when the commander is slain then they desert, remove them from the battle and your army roster.
4) Once the commander has been killed, all friendly units suffer a -2 LD for all Fear and Panic tests for the rest of that battle.

If your army commander is slain and you choose not to buy him back (don´t forget the -6 xp) you must then choose the individual in your army with the highest LD to replace him. If more than 1 are equal, it goes to the one with the most XP. If it is still equal it is your choice.


In this campaign warbands will be split into 2 categories; Standard and Special. All units will also have an experience level classification of Green, Regular, Veteran, or Legendary. Below is listed each race´s standard troops. Any warbands not listed are considered special. Standard units start as Regular instead of Green and are the only units that you may choose a garrison from.

FIRSTBORN: Swordsmen, Macemen, Longbowmen.
ELVES: Militia, Swordsmen, Archers.
DWARVES: Primary Clan´s Legion
BLACKBLOODS: Orc Swordsmen, Goblin Spearmen, Orc Archers, Goblin Archers.
DEVOUT: Risen, Swordsmen Followers
STYGIAN: Warriors, Starved
SONS of KRONOS: Tribal Warriors, Slingers
SWAMP GOBLINS: Spearmen, Blowguns


Experience point levels for warbands.
- 00-05 Green -1 CC, -1 MW, -2 LD, +1 DEF
- 06-15 Regular Standard book profile
- 16-25 Veteran +1 CC, +1 MW, +1 LD, -1 DEF
- 26+ Legendary +1 CC, +1 MW, + 1 LD, +2 A(max 26), +1W

Experience point levels for individuals.
- 00-05 Green -2 LD
- 06-15 Regular Standard book profile
- 16-30 Veteran +1 CC or MW, +1 PW, +1 LD, +1 W, -1 DEF.
- 31+ Legendary +1 CC or MW, +1 PW, +1 LD, +2 A(max 26), +1 AC.


+1 Participate in a battle (make or receive an attack or successfully cast a spell) (awarded once per battle).
+1 Inflict a wound (awarded once per battle).
+1 Inflict 50% casualties on a warband in CC (given to the unit which killed the model that reduced the warband to 50%).
+1 Kill the last model in a warband or kill an individual in CC.
+1 Be holding an objective at the end of the battle.
+1 Win the battle (unit must be alive and unpanicked).
+2 Kill the enemy force commander (instead of the normal +1)
+3 Kill the enemy Army commander (instead of the normal +1) -1 Force Commander killed (all surviving friendly units).
-2 Army Commander killed (all surviving friendly units).
-2 Loose 50% of the warband.
-2 For each model added to a WB past its original strength.

If a unit is destroyed then they gain no XP from that battle and they suffer the following penalty
-3 An individual that is "killed" but survives via Resurection, etc.
-6 Warband is completely destroyed or an individual that is killed.

Note: You gain XP as the event occurs. So if you kill a model that is later resuected you still get the XP. If you kill him again you get the XP again.

Replacements do not effect the warband´s XP. That has already been factored in by the negative applied when you lose 50% or more of the warband. If you want to increase the size of a warband, you may, but the warband suffers -1 XP for every model you add past its starting strength. Starting strength is measured from whatever the warband strength was at the start of their last battle. Warbands may also be combined in which case you average (round down) the XP of all warbands used. If you have too many troops but you still want to combine, usually for supply reasons, you may simply discard any extras. You may combine units at the end of the Combat Segment or during Segment 1c, obviously all warbands that are to be combined must be in the same hex. A unit that is wiped out gains no experience for that battle but you may buy a replacement warband of the exact same type and composition and keep the warband´s XP at whatever they started the battle with -8. This represents that once you start having veteran and legendary warbands in your army you´ll start attracting more experienced volunteers, the same rule and reasoning applies to individuals as well.


Each player starts the game with a fortress on his home territory. This territory is considered to be the same terrain type as that players "habitat" type. When defending his fortress the player gains several benefits. Each fortress comes with a garrison. This garrison costs nothing and requires no supply in Segment 4b. If the garrison suffers losses they must be replaced at normal cost during the next recruitment segment. This garrison is composed of standard regular troops. Included is 1 full missile weapon warband or 1 catapult plus crew, 1 full non-missile weapon warband, and 1 Individual. The individual may be any from your army list but must have a LD of at least 15 and cannot be a spell caster as spell casters are considered to valuable to tie down to garrison duty. The garrison may never move. In addition the Fortress comes equipped with an oil chorbel chute, (detailed in FBWT) that protects the main gates. Place a marker to represent the placement of the activation lever. When a fortress is captured the conqueror gets ½ (round up) of the defenders resource stockpile, (just resources, the defender keeps any points he already converted for). If the defender has at least 1 watchtower he gets to keep the remaining resources, otherwise they are lost. During the turn in which you have no fortress you may only participate in the harvest segment if you still control at least 1 watchtower. Even then the resources harvested from each hex are halved rounding down.


Towns are vital to a strong economy. Towns represent manufacturing facilities such as mills, smelters, etc., and therefor multiply the production of the hex in which they are built by 150% (round up). So a Forest-3 with a town would produce 5 wood. During phase 1c you may upgrade any "Town" you control to a "Watchtower." Watchtowers are defensive outposts in their own right. As such they double the production of the hex in which they are built. They are also points of supply, (covered later). When a rule applies equally to all both types they will be referred to as "Strongholds."


Towns come with a garrison, consisting of any non-missile, standard regular, warband. This warband contains 4-6 troopers (their minimum) and a leader, no standards or special troopers. You must declare the type of warband that composes the garrison as soon as you buy the town. The garrison costs nothing additional to start with. If you wish you may increase any garrison warband´s size up to the legal max by adding additional troopers, special troopers, standards, etc. during any recruitment phase. The garrison may never be moved, but it may be sortied. If the entire garrison is wiped out during a battle you may buy it back the same as you would any other replacements.

For a Watchtower´s garrison the CC warband is held over at whatever size and composition you established when it was a town. In addition you now get to add a minimum sized, standard regular, missle weapon warband to the garrison. This warband follows all the restrictions and rules as listed for the non-missile garrison warband.

Any time a Watchtower is attacked it may become "damaged" regardless of who wins. This represents the inevetable damage caused to any structure where a pitched battle occurs. In order for it to become "damaged" in a battle the stronghold’s main gate must be destroyed or a defender within the perimeter must be slain by an attacker who is also within the perimeter. The main gate has 9 wounds and an armour of 24. It may not be damaged by thrown weapons or MW except for boulders and ballista bolts. It may be targeted by destructive spells and must make a save any time a Dam causing template touches it, (excluding HOA). If it is damaged then it is reduced to a town and loses the MW garrison warband. A Town cannot be damaged in combat. The only way it is destroyed is if it is razed.

In addition, any stronghold that is attacked by a force of at least 500 points (defending points don´t matter) has its extra production disrupted for the following harvest phase. In order to prevent either of these effects the defender has the option of sortieing his troops forth to head off the attacker before he reaches the stronghold. This is covered later under the combat section. ( So if a Plains - 5 with a town is attack by a 502 point force it will only produce 5 grain instead of 8 next harvest regardless of the battle´s outcome. This represents the disruption that a battle would cause. )

When an attacker conquers a hex containing a stronghold they may either claim it for their own use or they may raze it. If you raze a watchtower it is destroyed and you add 4 wood and 4 stone to your stockpile. If you raze a Town it is destroyed and you add 2 wood and 2 stone to your stockpile. A defender that retreats without setting up may damage Watchtower, reducing it to a town, or raze a Town before fleeing. In this case no resources are recovered, the stronghold is simply reduced.


1) Harvest Segment
= a) Harvest
= b) Merchant
= c) Recruitment
2) Movement Segment
3) Combat Segment
4) Kingdom Management
= a) Claim Territories
= b) Supply Phase
= c) Diplomacy Phase


HARVEST - Each player starts the campaign with a stockpile of 15 grain, 10 wood, and 10 stone. Each turn the player adds resources to his stockpile based on the number and type of territories he controls, (Control determination is made in segment 4a). Even though you may control a territory, in order to receive harvest from it you must be able to trace a supply line back to your Fortress, detailed later under 4b. In addition to not being able to harvest in an isolated territory units in such a hex will suffer penalties in phase 4b. Desert terrain hexes yeild no resources. Instead, each desert hex yields 50 points, Stygian players gain 120 points per desert hex they control. The total of all your accumulated resources is refered to as your "stockpile." (At the end of the first harvest segment a Firstborn player would have 20 grain, 13 wood & 13 Stone in their stockpile.)

MERCHANT - It is in this segment that players may convert resources into points using the following conversion ratios. This is the only time that conversions may be made, so be carful not to convert all your resources or you may be unable to support your units during the supply phase. These points go into your ´treasury´ and may be used later for such things as recruiting troops, buying spells, etc.

FirstBorn [Habitat - Plains or Woods],
Sons of Kronos [Habitat - Mountains or Woods],
Elves [Habitat - Choose 1],
Blackbloods [Habitat- Mountains or Plains]
= Home territory produces 5 Grain, 3 Wood, 3 Stone
== 1 Grain 25 points
== 1 Wood or 1 Stone 40 points

Dwarves [Habitat - Mountains]
= Home territory produces 5 Grain, 3 Wood, & 3 Stone
== 1 Grain 25 points
== 1 Wood 35 points, inadequate forestry skills
== 1 Stone 45 points, superior miners

Devout [Habitat - Choose 1]
= Home territory produces 4 Grain, 3 Wood, 3 Iron, & 45 gold
== 1 Grain 20 points, due to the corruption.
== 1 Wood or 1 Stone 40 points

Stygian [Habitat - Desert]
= Home territory produces 5 Grain, 3 Wood, 3 Iron & 50 gold
== 1 Grain 15 points, they don´t farm
== 1 Wood or 1 Stone 40 points

Swamp Goblins, Jade Elves [Habitat - Woods]
= Home territory produces 5 Grain, 3 Wood, 3 Iron
== 1 Grain 25 points
== 1 Wood 45 points, superior woodlore
= 1 Stone 35 points, inferior mining techniques

All races
= 50 points purchases 1 grain
= 80 points purchases 1 wood or purchases 1 stone

You may also trade resouces with another player at whatever ratio you both agree on. In order to trade you must have at least 1 common border. (ie You must control a hex and he must control an adjacent hex.) You do not have to be allies to trade but you may not trade with player if you fought a battle against him last turn.

RECRUITMENT - During this segment you may purchase new troops or replacements for models lost in battle.You may also build or upgrade fortifications. You may place as many new recruits or replacements as you can afford on your Home Territory. You may place up to 1 new unit in any territory in which you control a Town. You may place up to 2 new units in any territory in which you control a Watchtower. Replacements may start at any fortification. If you replace less than 50% of a warband then those replacements don´t count towards the unit limit. However, if you have to replace 50% or more of a warband, then those models do count as 1 unit against the units per turn max. Warbands that took casualties but that are still "legal strength" may have their replacements move out to them in the field so long as they are within 1 turn´s movement of the hex the replacements are coming from. If a warband becomes "understrength" (not enough reg. troops, no leader, etc) then it must move back to a fortification for its replacements.

Standard units may start as regulars (6 xp) and cost book price. All other units start as green (0 xp) and cost book price.

Towns may be built in any territory you control and contains at least 2 warbands. Towns take a single turn to build and cost 5 wood and 5 stone. You may upgrade any town you controlled at the end of the previous turn to a "Watchtower" by spending an additional 5 wood and 5 stone. You do not need troops present to upgrade.

Roads assist you in moving your troops. Roads cost 1 stone to build plus a gold value depending on the terrain type.
Plains 50 pts.
Deserts 60 pts.
Forests 75 pts.
Mountains 100 pts.

This cost connects one hexside with any other hexside. To add additional hexsides costs 1 stone per extra hexside but no additional gold. A Road may be built to end at a sea hexside, This will result in a dock and the ability to launch ships from that point. Roads must start at a home territory hexside and branch out from there. Troops may raze a road in the same way as a stronghold but get no resources from such an action. If this isolates any further road sections from a Fortress, then a player has until the end of the next Recruitment phase to reconnect them or they are also destroyed. if more than 1 player connects to an abandoned road the same turn then their Fortress´ are connected until one of the road sections is razed.

You may only purchase a spell caster if your current army is large enough to support him using the 1 spell caster per 2000 pts rule. If at the beginning of segment 2 you have more spell users than legally allowed the extras must move at full speed back to your Fortress. While this condition persists they may not participate in any battles. If engaged they must retreat. If by the end of the next recruitment you still don´t comply with the ratio you must dismiss any excess spellcasters. It is your choice as to which one(s).

Siege equipment is also purchased in this phase. Each piece of equipment is listed with its own cost. Catapults and Ballista may be purchased at your Fortress or Watchtowers. All other siege equipment may be purchased at any stronghold. If you don´t purchase replacements for slain seige equipment crewmen the next turn or if an understrength seige engine is in a hex in which a battle occurs it is considered destroyed as the rest of the crew deserts.


Each unit may move a number of hexes based on its type and speed. A unit´s speed is determined by multiplying its MV by its AC. Warbands with a speed of 1-5 may only move 1 hex regardless of its type. Warbands with a speed of 6-8 may move up to 2 territories but must stop immediately upon entering a woods or mountain hex. Units with the Forrest Warrior Special Ability only have to stop for mountain hexes. Units with the Climbing Special Ability only have to stop for forest hexes. Warbands with a speed of 9+ may move up to 3 territories and only have to stop when entering the 2nd woods or mountain hex. A necromancer may increase the speed of a single unit of risen that is accompaning him from 3 to 6. Individuals never have to stop due to difficult terrain and travel at the following ratios: Speed 1-8 = 2 hexes, speed 9+ = 3 hexes.

Roads through woods or mountains eliminate the stoppage for difficult terrain between the connected hexsides. Roads through plains or desert increase the number of hexes that may be traveled by 1 for that turn. The maximum increase is +1 hex no matter how many road hexes you traverse.

Catapults and ballistae have their own crew and can therefor be moved without help at the rate of one hex per turn. However they must still be accompanied by at least 1 non-missile weapon warband as they are considered a MW warband for ratio purposes. Mantlets are attached to a unit and decrease that unit´s MV by 1. Be sure to recalculate that unit’s speed using its new MV stat. Grappling hooks don´t effect movement. Since it is significantly slower to move wagons and equipment through the mountains the following rules apply unless they are attacking along a road. When attacking a mountain hex you do not deploy your siege engines (catapults, ballista) at the start of the battle with the rest of your troops. Instead you may move them onto the field from your deployment edge at the start of the first turn. This same rule applies if you sortie forth any siege engines.

It is also possible to move your troops by boat. It cost 2 gold per size factor of the model to transport by sea. The Size listed for siege equipment doesn´t count their crew. If a size isn´t list for that piece then 2 pieces equal a size 1 model. Troops may only load onto ships at a Fortress or Watchertower that has a port,( ie. bordered on at least one side by a coastal sea hex.) or from a dock. A dock is automatically built at the end of any road built to terminate at a sea hexside. You cannot transport troops across the lakes as lake hexes actually represent a chain of small lakes and rivers, not one big lake.

Also these are coastal vessels not deep-water ships. As such you can only sail on hexes that are bordered by land on at least one side. Ships may unload onto any non-mountain hex. In order to board onto a ship the unit must have started that turn in the port hex or have at least one hex worth of movement remaining to them when they arrive at the port. For each turn spent out at sea the ship may move up to 5 hexes. If at the end of the move phase the ship is adjacent to a non-mountain hex the troops may disembark. While at see ships may not be attacked

Though all units may move independently of each other, except for totems which must move with an accompanying keeper and bodyguard warbands which must move with their army commander, at the end of the movement phase all troops in a single hex must conform to the rules concerning ratios of 1 close combat warband to 1 missile weapon warband and 2 warbands to 1 individual. If they do not you must disband units until all ratio restrictions are satisfied. Although there no limits as to how many troops may be in a hex at the end of the move phase there are limits as to how many troops can attack across a single hexside. You may attack with up to 4 warbands if moving from a desert or plains hex. This is reduced to three if attacking from a mountain or woods hex. If the hex you´re attacking from has a road that you´re following you may attack with 1 extra warband. These limits only apply when attacking, which includes moving into neutral hexes. Note that this is per hexside, so the more hexes you can move from the more units you will be able to bring to bear. (ex. You´re attacking into a hex, the type of the destination hex is irrelevant, from 3 adjacent hexes. 1 is a mountain hex, 1 is a plain, and the other is a desert that has a road connected to the destination hex. You could therefore attack with a total of 12 warbands; 3, 4, & 5 respectively.) You may ignore the hexside limits when moving units between hexes that you control.

All players plot out their planned movements for all of the units they plan to move this turn. Ex. Damned #1 -N,NW,NW / Force #3 S, SE / etc for all units you wish to move this turn. Once everyone is ready with their plots the actual movement will commence. All forces move 1 hex at a time. Once all forces have moved their 1st hex, then those moving a second hex all move. Then those moving a 3rd hex go. If at the end of any phase of this movement order enemy units enter the same hex then their move is immediately over and a battle will take place during segment 3. Any additional troops that arrive in that hex before the end of the movement segment fight together as a single force.

If enemy units start a move phase in adjacent hexes and attempt to move into each other’s hex across the same border it is necessary to see which hex the battle occurs in. If neither Stygian or Dwarves are involved it is a 50/50 roll. Simply designate 1 hex as 1-10 and the other as 11-20 and roll a die. If Stygian are involved, on 1-8 the battle occurs in the hex they started from, 9-20 the other hex. If Dwarves are involved, on 1-12 the battle occurs in the hex they started from, 13-20 the other hex. If it is Dwarves and Stygian then 1-14 is the Dwarf´s hex, 15-20 the stygian´s. This accounts for the average speed differences of the armies. Any other units that are plotted to enter that hex in later phases arrive as reinforcements as described above.

If a hex is controlled, see below, by another player but contains neither a stronghold nor troops then you do not have to stop but may simply move through instead. If you move through an enemy controlled hex simply remove his control marker as the territory reverts to neutral. If your units encounter enemy troops or an enemy stronghold then they immediately end their movement in that hex.


Any time a warband retreats there is a chance that members will desert. To determine this you make a LD test modified by the type of situation you are retreating from using the highest LD in the warband. If succesful then warband successfully retreats. Your path of retreat is straight back the path you plotted. If such a reverse path would take you into a hex occupied by enemy troops or if you didn´t move that turn you may retreat to any friendly adjacent hex in which no battles occurred this turn. If their are no such hexes available then all of the retreating troops are considered killed.

If you fail the roll then that warband deserts and is removed from your roster. If during a battle any model from a warband leaves the board then you must make a retreat check for the whole warband. If a battle is played to its conclusion (one force wins by meeting the victory conditions) then the losing force is considered to have withdrawn in good order and does not have to make a retreat roll.

Leadership Penalties for retreating models
-2 Retreating from a pending battle without setting up.
-4 If you set up for the battle and retreat without more than 50% of your warbands "participating" as detailed under the XP section.
-0 If at least 50% of your warbands have "participated" and you retreat.
+2 If at least 50% of your sortieing units have "participated" and you retreat to your fortification.

Any panicked units that attempts to retreat suffers an extra -3 in addition to any other modifiers.

A force that is attacking from the sea may retreat before set up without making a LD test. This represents that confronted by a superior force they simply stay on the ships. However, once they have deployed on the field they cannot retreat at all. Any units which leave the board after being deployed or moving onto the field are considered to have deserted, remove them from you army roster.


If at the end of the Movement phase a single hex contains troops from more than 1 army a battle will occur. Victory conditions vary and are listed following a description of each type of combat that is possible.


+5 Primary Objective
+2 Secondary Objective
+2 Kill the enemy´s force commander (in addition to his point value)
+2 Kill an Individual costing 70+ points
+1 Kill an Individual costing < 70 points
+1 Kill a summoned Individual
+3 An enemy warband was destroyed
+2 A summoned enemy warband was destroyed
+1 An enemy warband has been reduced to 50% strength or less

You add up the objectives at the end of each turn. Kills are added to your tally immediately. If the model is resurrected or raised you keep the OP. You may only receive OP once per model. (you kill a Troll gaining 3 OP. An alchemist resurrects him but you keep your 3 OP. You kill him again next turn. This time you receive no OP since you´ve already received them for him once)

The table size will depend on the size of the involved armies. If the total points of all units, friendly and enemy, are 2000 or less use a 3x4 table. Battles between forces exceeding 2000 total points are played on a 6x4. Battles involving a stronghold will always use a 6x4 table.

The terrain setup for the battle will depend on the type of hex the battle takes place in. Each hex type also has its own weather chart that must be consulted.


Desert Hex Mostly open but with some broken features and several elevation changes. No terrain more than 2" high. The only vegetation allowed is the oasis piece.

Plains Hex Mostly open but with a few (6-8) other pieces (small building or ruins, small tree stands, no larger than 3" x 6", or low hills. No elevation pieces over 2" high. Pieces must be at placed at least 6" apart.)

Forest Hex Forest covered as per SOK pg 75. A few (3-6) other terrain features as desired.

Mountain Hex Lots of rocks and elevation changes including several that would require climbing. No more than 6 other features. Small tree stands only and they must be placed at least 6" apart.

Roll Desert Plains Forest Mountains Jungle
= 1-3 Heatwave Heatstroke Sudden Freeze Deep Snow Heavy Rain
= 4-6 Shifting Sands High Winds Heavy Rain Snowstorm Heavy Fog
= 6-9 Heatstroke Heavy Rain Clear Sky Ice Storm Bog
= 10-12 Sandstorm Clear Sky Clear Sky Sudden Freeze Clear Sky
= 13-15 Desert Twisters Clear Sky Clear Sky Clear Sky Clear Sky
= 16+ Clear Sky Clear Sky Clear Sky Clear Sky Clear Sky

High Winds - All missile and thrown weapons have their range halved. At the start of each turn roll a die, on a 1-4 a twister forms. Twisters function exactly as desert twisters. To place the twister drop a die over the center of the table from about 2 feet, wherever the die lands, center the twister template.

Heavy Rain - Visability is reduced to 15" and all MW scores are at -3.

If any player rolls a 1 or a 20 for initiative then the rain has reduced the battlefied to a muddy quagmire. The MV of all troops is reduced by 1" except for hovering or tunneling units.

Heavy Fog - Visability varies from round to round. Roll each turn before initiative. 1-8 = 6" LOS / 9 -15 = 12" LOS / 16-20 = 18" LOS.

Bog - The ground is covered with areas of sucking mud and water filled pits. Each time a unit is activated you must roll a LD test if successful then proceed as normal. If it fails then that units MV stat is halved for that activation. Flying, tunneling and units with Jungle Warrior are immune to this effect.

All other weather condition are covered on LoTR pg 55 or SOK pg 73-74.

If any of the armies contain a spell caster they now have the option to purchase spells for the upcoming battle. The cost of any spells that you want are deducted from your treasury and the cost of these spells are included when figuring the Battle Objective value of that model. This process must be done at the start of each battle, spells are not held over from turn to turn. If you do not use a certain spell that you purchased you may refund 1/2 its point cost back to your treasury.

When attacking a hex from the sea the following rules apply. Set up is the same as for whatever type of battle you are undertaking. Deployment zones are also the same but troop deployment is different. You must add up all the size factors of your attacking force. The landing ships can only carry 1/2 of you force at a time. So when you deploy you only get to set up 1/2 (or less since your force will rarely devide equally) your force within the listed deployment zone. The other elements of your force may move onto the field from your deployment edge at the start of any following turn. Siege engines take a turn to set up so if you included their size factor in your first half they may move onto the field at the start of turn 2. If they came with the second half they can come on at the start of turn 3.


The first type of battle possible is the simple Attack/ Attack. This occurs when all opponents are moving into a neutral hex, 2 forces clash when crossing the same border or when a defender is sortying to protect a stronghold. Deployment Zones for both players are 9" in and 6" from the sides. If more than 1 player is present then the Zone sizes will vary according to the relative positioning of the hexsides that each force entered from (see diagram) with all DZs being as equal as possible. You do not HAVE to set up all your units in the deployment phase. You can keep up to 1/2 (round down) your units off board as reinforcements. These units may enter from your deployment edge during any following turn. You activate them the same as any other unit during the turn you want them to come on. Then make a LD test. If you make it then each model in the unit must spend its first AC to Move onto the field. Subsequent AC may be used as normal. If you failed the LD test then each model may only use 1 AC this turn and it must be to Move onto the field, after which its activation is over. Terrain placement as normal but the first peice placed must be a monolith or similar object and is placed in the center area of the table. This is the Primary Objective. Each player is also given a small colored stone which represents a secondary objective. Each player may place it anywhere on the board at least 18" in from their deployment edge. In order to claim an objective you must have a model within 1" of it and no enemy models may be within range of a single MV action to the object’s base. After terrain is set roll for weather and engage in battle as normal.


At the end of each round all players will total up their objective points. The number needed to win will depend on how many total units are involved in the battle, all players.
= 2- 8 requires 9 OP;
= 9- 15 12 OP;
= 16- 22 15 OP;
= 23+ 18 OP.

If 1 player has equaled or exceeded this goal at the end of a turn then he has won. If more than 1 player exceeds the goal then the player with the highest total wins. If they´re tied at or in excess of the goal then battle continues until one player has more than the other. Complete annihilation of or forced retreat of your opponent(s) will also earn victory.

Hex Facings Deployment Zones

A | B C

______ | _________________

F/ B | | |

/ |A| | D

E /C | | |

\_____/ | |________________|


Attack/ Defend is where a player is attacking troops in a hex that the other player already controls. The defender simply has to have controlled the hex at the start of the turn, it doesn´t matter whether his units sat there this turn or just moved into the hex. In an Attack/Defend, players alternate placing terrain as normal but the defender always gets to choose his deployment side. Place the Objectives as for an Attack/Attack. The attacker´s deployment Zone is 9" in and 6" from the sides. The defender´s Zone is 15" in and 6" from the sides. The defender then places all of his warbands and 1/2(round down) of his individuals. Weather conditions are rolled for then the attacker places all of his units after which the defender places any remaining individuals. Initiative is then rolled and battle proceeds as normal. If multiple players are involved designate DZ as per the above diagram.

VICTORY CONDITIONS: The number of OP needed varies depending on how many units are involved. (see above). Complete annihilation of or forced retreat of your opponent(s) will also earn victory.


When attacking a hex with a town in it you follow the same rules as listed for the standard Attack/Defend except that the primary objective is always the small walled farm. In addition the defender gets to place the other 4 buildings and the 6 stone walls within 12" of the farm. This is done before any other terrain is setup. Then both players alternate placing the other pieces as normal. The defender then gets to place 1 unit within 12" of the farm in addition to any garrison. After these units are deployed then roll for weather. The defending then picks his DZ and all players alternate placing the rest of their units with the defender placing first. The defenders DZ is 15" in whereas the attacker´s is 9" in.. The Defender also has the option to sortie his force to prevent disruption of his supply.

VICTORY CONDITIONS: Same as above but the minimum number of OP needed for battles involving 2- 15 units is 12.


Sometimes, if the defender has sufficient troops he will sortie forth and engage the attacker away from his fortification. This will prevent the fortification from being damaged or production from being disrupted. If the defender wishes to do this then after all players have declared exactly what forces will be engaging in that hex he must declare which of his forces are sortieing forth and which, if any, are staying at the fortification. If sortying siege engines remember that they do not set up in the normal deployment phase but instead move onto the field from your edge during turn 2. Also keep in mind that if your force retreats then you lose your siege equipment. If he is being attacked by forces from non adjacent hexes then he must divide his forces to sortie separately against each force. He doesn´t have to sortie against all forces. He may sortie against some and simply defend his fortification against the rest.


When fighting an Attack/ Attack battle in a hex in which you control a fortification, either because of a sortie or a same border crossing clash, retreats are handled differently than normal. If the attacker agrees you may simply pull all legal strength, non-panicked WB back to your fortification. He then sets up a standard attack against that type of fortification against whatever forces you left there plus the newly retreated units. If the attacker doesn´t agree, the smart choice, then if you want to retreat you must physically exit your models off your deployment edge. Siege engines may not retreat and are destroyed by their crews. Those crews then desert. Units that are understrength, panicked or that leave from any other edge must retreat back to another friendly hex as per the normal retreat rules. If you play the battle until the victory conditions are met the following occurs. If you won then the attacker must fall back with any surviving troops to the hex he came from. If he wins then your troops are to far out of position to get back to your fortification and must withdraw to another friendly hex as normal. He may then continue on to your fortification with any legal strength units, any panicked troops automatically rally. Any understrength units have to fall back to the hex that they came from. You must then fight an Attack/Defend as detailed above.


Very similar to the above scenario, the defender must decide whether he will defend his fortification or sortie forth to engage the enemy. If he is going to defend he places his the village set and the watchtower in the middle of a 6x4 table. Other terrain is then placed as normal except the defender chooses all the pieces that will be used and the attacker may not place any feature within 18" of the watchtower´s center point. The defender´s deployment zone is 18" from the center of the watchtower. The defender must then place all of his warbands and 1/2(round down) of his individuals. The attacker´s deployment depends on whether he is attacking from just 1 hex or multiple hexes. If from just 1 hex he gets to choose which end to attack from and his zone is 9" in and 3" from the sides. If he has forces which are attacking from multiple hexes (or multiple players are attacking) then use the diagram to determin DZs. It may be necessary to shift the Defender DZ to the center section of 1 long edge in which case his DZ is 18" in by 36". All units that attacked from the same hex must start in the same Zone. Weather conditions are rolled for then the attacker places all of his units after which the defender places any remaining individuals. Initiative is then rolled and battle proceeds as normal.

VICTORY CONDITIONS: Battles at a watchtower have a min OP requirement of 15 for units between 2 & 20. Over 20 units requires 18 OP. The Watchtower is the primary objective in this scenario. Unlike a normal objective in order to contest the control of the WT the attacker must have a model inside unless the Main doors are open or destroyed. If either is the case then the normal contention rules apply. (any model within 1 MV action). For the defender to win he must achieve the OP goal or drive the attacker off. The attacker is considered driven off if he retreats or it is obvious that he is no longer attempting to take the WT but instead just hanging around trying to pick off defender that stray from the tower


Shift the Defender DZ to the center section of 1 long edge in which case his DZ is 18" in by 36". All units that attacked from the same hex must start in the same Zone. Weather conditions are rolled for then the attacker places all of his units after which the defender places any remaining individuals. Initiative is then rolled and battle proceeds as normal.


As soon as 1 player achieves the victory conditions outlined for the battle, counted at the end of each round, then the battle is over. No retreat or mop up is necessary or allowed. Players then have to consider the casualties and damage that they took. Warbands that have dropped below the required minimums are now considered "understrength." Understrength units may not participate in any battles nor are they counted as a unit for hex control purposes in Segment 4a. All following Move Segments must be spent moving to or towards one of your strongholds. If they enter a hex containing enemy troops they must retreat. Each time they are forced to retreat in this manner they lose 1 more model as a casualty. If you also have legal strength units present the understrength units actions in no way affect the coming battle or retreat of the legal strength units. If you´ve planned ahead, and could afford it, replacements will be waiting at the stronghold when the warband arrives. (note. you do not have to bring the warband back to its previous strength, just back to minimum requirements. But remember that as soon as a unit participates in a battle you may not add any additional models without subtracting 1 XP per model from the warbands total.) Once at the stronghold the warbands move segment is over. Even if replacements are waiting and the warband didn´t expend all of their movement it takes time to get the new troops integrated. Instead of returning for replacements you may also combine warbands to bring your size back to legal. The warbands must be the exact same type. A special trooper, (ie. leader, standard, swordmaster) may be converted to a cheaper special or regular trooper if necessary (FB leader could become a Standard) but models cannot be converted to a more expiensive type. So if your warband requires a leader and both warbands lost theirs you must return for a replacement.(EX. A firstborn player starts a battle with 3 WB of swordmen each consisting of 4 swordsmen, 1 standard, 1 greatsword, and 1 leader. At the end of the battle he has WB#1 with 2 Sw,1 St, & 9XP / WB#2 with 2 Sw, 1 L, 1 Gs, & 6 XP / WB#3 with 3 Sw, 1 L, 1 St, & 0 XP. This player has several options: Leave all WB as is and head back for a friendly watchtower or castle; Combine all WB together yielding 8 Sw, 1 St, 1 Gs, 1 L, & 5XP, a L is demoted and a St is lost; combine WB#1 & WB#2 yeilding 4Sw, 1 St, 1 Gs, 1 L, & 7 XP & WB#3 with 4 Sw, 1L, & 0XP, St was demoted. Other combinations of these principles are also possible.)

Models with multiple wounds are treated as follows. If they were wounded in a hex containing a friendly stronghold then they are fully healed at the start of next turn. If no friendly stronghold was present then they must make a LD test at -2 for each wound inflicted. If successful then that wound is healed. If failed, they start any battles that they participate in that turn wounded to that extent. If they don´t fight in any battles the following turn then they are completely healed. Special Cases: Any Blackblood force that contains an alchemist has any wounded models returned to full health without having to make LD rolls.

The Alchemist may also attempt to resurrect a single slain Individual by making a normal "potion" roll. If successful that individual is back with full wounds but suffers a penalty of -4 XP. Also any model with the

"Feast" special ability is returned to full wounds without having to make the LD test.


CLAIM TERRITORIES - In order to claim a territory you must have a least 2 warbands containing at least 4 models apiece in the hex. If casualties have reduced a unit below the book required minimums then they do not count. Once you have claimed a hex it is not necessary to leave any units there to keep control on subsequent turns. However if an enemy unit moves through (see Movement) then that hex reverts to neutral. Devout, Tribe of the Goddess and/or Shadow Tribe players may not claim a hex if the only warbands present are risen, dusk realm, and/or unliving. They must have at least 1 living warband present. Stygian players cannot claim a hex with just starved. If a battle took place in a hex that a player already controlled he gets to keep control if he wins even if he doesn´t have 2 legal strength warbands left. If the attacker wins he must have 2 legal warbands of at least 4 models apiece. If he doesn´t the hex reverts to neutral. (So if a Firstborn player had a warband of 2 Black Sisters with a leader, and a minimum swordsmen warband he would be unable to claim the hex since the Sister´s warband doesn´t contain at least 4 models)

SUPPLY - You must now pay supply costs for all warbands and siege equipment. Fortress garrisons do not require any supply. Individuals do not require supply unless they are in an isolated hex. First you must determine if you have a supply line to that hex. A supply line consists of an unbroken chain of controlled territories stretching from the hex in question to one of your Watchtowers or to your Fortress. It may follow as long and convoluted a path as you want so long as it is unbroken by neutral or enemy hexes. If you cannot trace a supply line then that hex is considered "isolated" and suffers the penalties detailed below.

Warbands cost 1 grain per regardless of size. So a few large warbands will be cheaper to supply than a bunch of small warbands. Devout risen, Dusk Realm creatures, Stygian starved and SOK unliving do not require grain. Instead the player must pay 15 points per unit from his treasury. Units which are out to sea cost 1 grain and 10 points per warband regardless of size. Units may continue to pay the "out to sea" supply cost instead of the "isolated" cost so long as they remain in the coastal hex where they landed. If they move inland they must pay "isolated" cost unless they can trace a supply line as detailed above.

Siege engine crews require grain the same as any other warband.

Mantlets & grapnels require no supply.

In an isolated hex, warbands cost 2 grain, risen and unliving cost 30 points. You never have to pay a supply cost for Individuals. If you cannot, or choose not, to pay a unit´s supply cost that unit is considered disbanded and is removed from your roster.

Each race has also been assigned a "habitat" terrain type. This represents the terrain type that that race has the greatest natural affinity for and experience with. Do to this affinity troops are able to live off the land when in that type of terrain. To determine how many units can live off the land simply look at the resource value. For a home territory hex take the straight value. For supplied hexes subtract 1. An isolated hex can support Resorce value -2 of units. Which units are supplied are up to the owning player and require no other supply (grain). Towns do not change the habitat supply. So a Woods 4 with a town can still only support 3 units, not 7.

Towns and watchtowers don´t require any supplies but don´t forget to pay the grain cost for any garrisoned warbands, except the ones at your Fortress.


Siege equipment may not be supplied in isolated hexes and as such are considered destroyed if isolated.

Crew Rules for both Catapults and Ballista:
Ballista & catapults (hereafter refered to jointly as Siege Engines or SE) may only be loaded and fired by their trained crews. However any humanoid model (mounts and mishapen creatures would take too long to harness up) may be enlisted to move an engine. SE fire using the crew leader´s MW if he is still alive. For each crew member short of a full crew the SE suffers a -1 to its MW. SE cannot be aimed. If a SE fumbles then a component has broken. It takes the crew their entire next activation to fix it. (they may do nothing else that turn). This means you must still roll to hit even when using HOA rocks. On a 1 the target model takes a wound with no opportunity to save. SE are considered MW warbands for ratio purposes. They are also considered warbands for HOA and and other applicable rules.

If a catapult misses firing either boulders or naptha it deviates. Roll deviation as normal, but the shot may never deviate more than 1/2 the distance between the SE & the target. If the roll exceeds that ½ simply move it that distance. There are 3 different actions that a crew may take. MOVE, LOAD, & FIRE.

Each action takes an entire turn. When FIRING you have the option of Straight Fire or Turning Fire. Straight fire is worked out as per the normal MW rules. Turning fire allows you to pivot the engine up to 30 degrees before firing. A Ballista may only do turning fire with a full crew of 3. A catapult must have at least 3 crew as well. An engine that performs Turning Fire suffers a -4 to its MW. A catapult firing a HOA rock load must roll a straight MW score to hit. If the HOA misses, roll for deviation as above. All models that are jointly moving a single piece of siege equipment are all activated together.

Catapult Cost: 2W + Crew + Naptha (if any) (150 + 82 + 10 ea)
= Rock Load Rng 18" -28" Dam 10 Spcl: HOA Template
= Boulder Rng 15" -35" Dam 14 Spcl: Vortex Template
= Naptha Rng 15" -28" Dam 12 Spcl: Firebomb Template

(Additionl cost of 10pts per round)
= 2- 4 Crew CC 10 MW 12 LD 13 AC 2 W 1 ST 1 MV 3* A 19 DEF +2 S 1 COST 16
= 1 Leader CC 11 MW 13 LD 13 AC 2 W 1 ST 1 MV 3* A 19 DEF +1 S 1 COST 18
* Crewmen must remain within 1" of the catapult
* Crewmen are equipped with a mace for CC (if you don´t use maces then a CC weapon w/ a 7 DAM)

Catapults may only fire every other turn. Catapults have a limited firing alley. This alley is 6" wide centered from the middle of the catapult and extending in a straight line.

If catapults have a crew of 4-5 they may change ammunition types freely.

If reduced to less than 4 crew then they may no longer change ammo types and must stay with whichever type was last used. Range is measured from the center of the catapult. When firing Boulders or Naptha the template must be targeted on a model but since they´re only aiming for that spot there is no MW penalty for cover.

ROCK LOAD: Use the HOA template to represent a rain of rocks. Using the normal HOA rules distribute 8 hits DAM 10. The crew leader must have LOS to the target.

BOULDERS: Boulders are fired using the MW score of whichever crew model has LOS to the target. Boulders follow the rules as listed under the Obsidian Crusher but use the vortex template.

NAPTHA: Uses the Firebomb template. After the template lands you must roll to see if it explodes, you need a 12 or less. Use the rules for the Alchemist´s Firebomb. Each Naptha round must be purchased separately. Use colored stones to represent the number of rounds left.

If you wish to move the catapult, half the moving models (round up) must be in front, the rest behind the catapult. The catapult moves 1/2" for each size factor working, minimum combined size of 2, max of 6. So a group with a combined size of 6 could move the catapult 3" that turn. Going up a slope of 45 degree or less requires at least four Size factors of models and only moves 1". Catapults may not traverse difficult terrain. A catapult may not be operated with a single crewman.

If an enemy model is in base to base contact with the catapult it may not be fired.

The catapult itself may not be attacked but the crew may be. If a crew member is targeted by a MW or HOA he is always considered to have solid cover. They do not get this bonus if they moved the catapult their last activation. Catapult crews gain and lose XP just like any other WB.

SUPPLY: 15 pts.

Ballista CR 30 MX 45 RM -5 Dam 17 (x2) Cost 1 wood + Crew (75 +50)
= 2 Crewmen CC 10 MW 13 LD 13 AC 2 W 1 ST 1 MV 3* A 19 DEF+2 S 1 COST 16
= Crew Leader CC 11 MW 14 LD 13 AC 2 W 1 ST 1 MV 3* A 19 DEF+1 S 1 COST 18
* Crewmen must remain within 1" of the ballista
* Crewmen are equipped with a mace for CC

If a ballista is operated by 2 or 3 crew it may fire once every turn. If operated by only 1 crew he must spend a turn to load so it may only be fired every other turn.

A ballista only has a 45 degree firing arc.

Due to the nature of the weapon when firing at Size 1 models there is an additional -4 MW penalty in addition to any other modifiers.

Due to its power it is possible for a ballista bolt to kill multiple models if they´re lined up directly behind each other. To determine this trace a straight line from the tip of the ballista through the center of the primary target, and beyond to any other models. If the line goes through any part of a model´s torso he is a legitimate secondary target. If the primary target is killed you must check and see if the next target survives. Roll a straight MW test (no mods). If successful then the secondary model takes a DAM 17 hit. If that model dies then you continue making rolls for all legit secondary targets until you miss, one of them survives or all models in the kill line are dead. If 2 models both spend 2 AC the ballista may be moved up to 3". Going up a 45 degree or less slope requires at least 3 models and only moves 2". Ballistas may not traverse difficult terrain. The ballista itself may not be attacked but the crew may be. If a crew member is targeted by a MW or HOA he is always considered to have solid cover. They do not get this bonus if they moved the ballista last turn. Ballista crews gain and lose XP just like any other WB.

A ballista costs 1W to build + the crew cost.

SUPPLY: 10 pts

Grappling Hooks cost 2 points per model in unit SUPPLY: None

Grappling hooks are used to set ropes to aid in climbing. In order to set a grappling hook the model must be within 2" of the cliff or wall´s base. It may be thrown a height of 3" + 1" for each point of ST. By spending an AC you may make a roll. On a 15 or less it is set. On a 16+ you´ll have to try again.

A model with an edged weapon may attempt to cut the rope. To do so they make a CC attack which automatically hits, no charge bonus for Dam, (still roll in case of a 1 or 20). The rope´s Armor is 10 and has 1 Wound. Anyone climbing a rope that is cut falls.

Mantlets One 3" mantlet - Cost 1 wood SUPPLY: 5 pts

These are basically wooden walls on wheels designed to protect troops from missile fire. They work the same as a shield wall as far as the protection they provide, -8 to be hit and -6 DAM from all missile weapons fired from the front. Mantlets require 1 Size point per 1" width to move. If being used by Size 2 models the bonus granted is –8 to be hit but only -4 DAM. Only the model moving/using the mantlet gains this bonus. MW troops using mantlets may not move and fire in the same turn. If they don´t move then they may fire from behind the mantlets as normal due to the arrow slits. All other following ranks simply follow normal cover rules. A model using a Mantlets has his MV reduced by 1".

Mantlets going up a 45 degree or less slope move a max of 1" per AC.

Mantlets may not traverse difficult terrain.


Humanoid shaped models may climb at a rate of their size times 1" per action spent. If climbing a rope this rate is doubled. Once an attacker is at equal level with the defender he may attack as normal, obviously no charge bonus applies. If he is attacking from the wall, after free climbing or rope climbing, there is a -4 CC penalty. It is very hard to dodge while climbing so models that are attacked while climbing have a +2 Def (regardless of what their normal Def is). If targeted by a MW they are at +2 hit and receive no shield bonus. Any model hit while climbing a ladder, either by CC or MW, must make a successful climbing test for each Armor save rolled, whether made or failed, or they fall. Any model beneath the falling one must also make a climbing test or fall. On a ladder or rope it’s easy to tell. If free climbing a wall any model within 1/2" to either side of the falling model must check.


Climbing Special Ability Falls on a 20
Models Armor
= <19 19 -20
= 19-21 18 -20
= 22-23 16 -20
= 24+ 14 -20


Climbing Special Ability Falls on 18 -20
Models Armor
= <19 16 -20
= 19-21 14 -20
= 22-23 10 -20
= 24+ 5 -20

Ladders - Humanoid models may climb a ladder at a rate of 2/3 MV. Sz 3models and mounted troops may not climb ladders.

Ropes - By spending an AC any model may set a rope at the top of a cliff or wall to aid others in climbing. When using a rope to climb a cliff the model subtracts 2 from his roll (ie A 22-23 would then only fall on

17 -20). When using a rope to climb a manufactured wall you simply use the cliff-climbing chart instead. When climbing a rope you get to climb at double your normal rate.

[NOTE: A 20 always results in a fall no matter your ability or chart.]


Siege Engines do not receive the parapet bonus to their dead zone even if behind one. Also, catapults may not fire from a covered structure. Ballista may not fire through size 0 windows. If a player retreats or losses a battle any siege equipment he had is destroyed.


Catapult 2W + crew 15 pts
Naptha rounds 10
Ballista 1W +crew 10 pts
Grappling Hooks 2 pts per model None
One 3" Mantlet 1W 5 pts

First version from 24.03.2008. Last version from 24.03.2008.

Article from