![]() News Archive08.11.2024
New Website wipI worked at a new website to the 3rd Edition in modern. The actually website is 12 years old and need more than a redesign.The new website is only for the 3rd Edition. Most of the old stuff didn`t goes to the new website. The old website will be archived and will remain accessible via a subdomain. Many news to Chronopia, Kickstarter and more on Facebook and Discord! 04.08.2023
News to production and moreMore and more details about the status of the production became known along with various other information.Here is the latest news from the Kickstarter:
Beta Rules onlineImportant news: The beta rules can be downloaded by the backers.Everyone else can still buy this via the following link: https://gamefound.com/projects/uhrwerk-verlag/chronopia. Here is the latest news from the Kickstarter:
Kickstarter Updates Part 5In the last months are view updates with pics from rulebook, stl files and minis. Here are:
Link to the STL files have been sentThe emails for the STLs from the Kickstarter to the Dropbox have been sent.Three Dropbox for the Templates, Terrain and the Blood Hunter. If you have not received an email, please contact us with your Kickstarter / Gamefound email address to marcin@chronopia.world. Below the Blood Hunter Model Scale. 4cmx4cmx5cm. ![]() 03.11.2022
Late Pledge end 06.11.The Late Pledge from the first Kickstarter ends at 06.11. It is the last chance to buy few things as Kickstarter only items.Link: https://gamefound.com/projects/uhrwerk-verlag/chronopia. 17.10.2022
Point cost wave 1Marcin present on the Chronopia Discord Server a PDF with all point cost of all wave 1 models.Download: Point cost for wave 1 models (Kickstarter) 11.10.2022
Pics and Infos from Spiel 2022On the Kickstarterside new pics and infos from the Spiel 2022.Link: After Essen Spiel 2022 update! 04.10.2022
Late PledgeAnyone interested in the Kickstarter has the option of a Late Pledge (after OCT 06). Here is the code for the link (https://gamefound.com/projects/uhrwerk-verlag/chronopia):![]() 20.09.2022
Kickstarter Updates Part 4Many months sincce the last updates.Here the list.
Official Chronopia ForumThe old Excelsior Forum has accompanied us Chronopia fans for twenty years.For a few days there has been an official forum for Chronopia on the part of the Uhrwerk-Verlag. Url: https://www.chronopia.world/forum/ 01.05.2022
Kickstarter is finishedThe first issue of the 3rd edition Kickstarter is finished.309 supporters with a focus on Europe and the USA not only financed the 1st wave, but also unlocked a bunch of other characters from the second wave and additional free things in the final sprint. A fantastic result. The latest updates:
Kickstarter fundedSince 15.04. is the Kickstarter funded. Today, we arrived the 3rd Stretch Goal.The last 12 Updates. 13. Funding is nigh! More Infos to the Bonus for Infantryboxes. 14. Rules - Cavalry Charge! Next Rule Video. -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTwrnaFlVp4 15. Kickstarter Funded! Chronopia is back! Kickstarter is funded! 16. 1st Stretch Goal Reached Info to the first Stretch Goal. 17. Kickstarter Graphics updated! New videos! -> Chronopia Demo Pack Battle - Devout vs. Crystal Lotus Elves Kickstarter Funding Livestream -> ong Lost Fantasy Wargame Returns! Fans Reboot CHRONOPIA & You Wonīt Want To Miss it! -> Einladung zum Discord: https://discord.com/invite/JU8Q8neQ7k 18. Careful for whom the Judge comes knocking... Info to the second Stretch Goal. 19. Infantry Bundle! Everyone was waiting for! Infantry Bundle as Addon for 69 Euro! 20. Army Bundle! Army Bundle without Rulebox and Starterbox. 21. Collectible poster next! 2nd Stretch Goal arrived and Infos to the next Goal. 22. New Battle Report! -> Chronopia - Battle Report (Demo Pack) 23. 3rd Stretch Goal Unlocked! 3rd Stretchgoal arrived. 24. Strong winds are howling on the windows of Chronopia. Infos to the next Goal. 14.04.2022
Kickstarter Updates Part 2Half life in the Kickstarter and 2000 Euro left.7. Some new nice pictures :) More pics from unpainted Figures and Terrain. 8. First Gameplay video! Gameplay (Hero Game) on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUykw9jCGtI. 9. First Rules Videos! Little video to rules. 10. SioCast samples from our manufacturer. Few pics from SioCast Miniature from the german producer. 11. Updated Stretch Goal list! 12. Chronopia Comic Book for download! In good quality the old Chronopia Comic as Free Download. 10.04.2022
Own Discordserver for chronopiaworld.comYesterday a server for Chronopia was put online. If you are interested, you are welcome to go there, post pictures, game reports, etc. or just hang out.https://discord.gg/TupfcrRzNR You are welcome :). ![]() 31.03.2022
Updates from KickstarterThree days later and we have any Updates und FAQs from Kickstarter.1. Free STL Templates for you! Both Explosive and the Flammtemplate as STL for Free Download. 2. Cavalry Bundle! Buying this add on allows you to pick 3 Cavalry boxes in the lower price! (75 Euro against 90 Euro) 3. Every Unit box is bigger! We wonīt stop on that! In every Troop Box (not Special or Command Box) you geht 1 model more. For Example: Firstborn Swordsmen have 3 models you get one model more (4). The new model is a diplucated. 4. German version of Chronopia For any German Players a good news. Rulebook and Co from the Kickstarter it translated in german. 5. Few photos from the battlefields of Chronopia Many Pics. New: Devout Blood Hunter, Blackbloods Orcs and Dwarf Blood Totem. 29.03.2022
Chronopia Kickstarter is liveSince few hours is the Kickstarter started.![]() QR Code to Demo Rulebook -> Download: Demo Rulebook 15.03.2022
Prelaunch page is liveCLICK Notify me on launch to do not miss the Early Bird Pledge.-> https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/chronopia/chronopia 27.01.2022
Crowdfunding date announcementFriday at 10:00 give an announcement about the start from Crowfunding Chronopia 3.0.You find the announcement on Youtube. -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4epldM-tC8 Update: Date is 29th March on Kickstarter. 21.01.2022
Cavalry for each faction in the first waveFrom Martin Hood (Facebook, Chronopia Uhrwerk Group):"Small leak. In the first wave of models on Kickstarter, you will be able to buy Cavalry models for each faction. (Unit size 1-3)." ![]() Box Cover Devout Blood Knight. 08.01.2022
Kickstarter started 1st Quarter of 2022The news came from the Chronopia Facebook Group from Uhrwerkverlag.Chronopia 3.0 started with an Kickstarter in the 1st Quarter of 2022. Follow points are in the Previews:
All Previews: Chronopia 3.0 Preview Bilder. 25.12.2021
First Battle Report from the new Edition online![]() You find on Youtube today a first Game Preview from the new Chronopia Edition. To see is a Mix from old and new Miniatures on a nice Game Table. Link: -> Chronopia Battle Report: Firstborn vs Elven House of Crystal Lotus (Youtube) -> Discussion on the message board 14.03.2021
News to Chronopia 3.EditionLast Weekend there was a discussion to the new Chronopia Edition from Uhrwerk-Verlag on the Online Heinz-Convention.Few pictures, news to comming products, rules, and more. See: -> Teaser (Youtube) -> Discussion on Twitch -> Pictures -> More Infos on talesfromfarpoint 02.12.2020
Chronopia from Uhrwerk-VerlagOctober 2020 posted Member from Uhrwerk-Verlag on his Facebook-Site following pic.![]() At 22.11. starts the Alpha Test for an new Chronopia Ruleset. More: -> www.uhrwerk-verlag.de (german) -> https://www.facebook.com/UhrwerkVerlag/ (german) 01.06.2020
Software UpdateThe Website has became in the Background an little Update. For any false please send an email to the Webmaster. Thanks.28.05.2020
Chronopia New AgeSince 01. Sept. 2019 maked Marcin Malinowski and his Team from Betatester an new Chronopia Edition names "Chronopia New Age".Rulebook and few Armylists a ready to play with many difference between the 2nd Editon. An fantastic work. Downloads -> Chronopia New Age Rulebook Version 0.5 -> Blackbloods Version 1.2 -> Devout Version 1.2 -> Dwarves Version 1.2 -> Elven House Version 1.2 -> Firstborn Armybook Version 1.0 -> Stygian Version 1.2 Youtube -> Battle Report -> Tutorial to Skill: Swing. -> Tutorial to Close Combat: Shields. 13.06.2019
The Rise of the FirstbornRedterror, an german Chronopia Fan, present in the last days his work from a new Extension to Chronopia.In this file, you found a new storyline, new units, new characters and a new race. -> Rise of the Firstborn (PDF, 60 MB) -> Link to archive.org 15.04.2019
www.smallcuts.netMark Twain is a fantastic worker to paint many miniaturs. On his website you found many pictures and information about the hobby.-> www.smallcuts.ne He have an great painted Collection from Chronopia. -> http://www.smallcuts.net/photo/?album=17 In the last Chronopia sale from Prince August, few years ago, Mark buyed many Blister and Boxes. In a part of the Boxes the Metalminiatures are little damage. Mark make an article with pictures about the problem and give introduction to fix the problem. -> http://www.smallcuts.net/articles/leadrot.jsp 22.11.2014
Chronopia on FacebookI started on Facebook a Chronopia Blog. It is not a part from Chronopiaworld.com!If you interested to support Chronopia on Facebook, write me a mail with your Facebook Nick. Link: Chronopia on Facebook ![]() 16.11.2014
War Thorka on YoutubeThe User Teo Ch on Youtube.com maked two nice version from Dwarven War Thorka.Links: -> Projectblog with pictures on wargamer.pl -> Downloads: Movie 1 and Movie 2 08.11.2014
Prince August killing Chronopia inventorySince may Prince August is selling off their stock of Chronopia figures. To a very low price ended this story at 10. november 2014.-> shop.princeaugust.ie/chronopia-eternal-realms-games/ -> Message Board entry 07.11.2014
Prodos Games did not planned a new release from ChronopiaThe fantastic success with the new version from Warzone make many questions about a new release from the Game Chronopia.The last informations on the big Convention "Spiel 2014" and "Crisis 2014" in Europe is the same as in the Message Board from Prodos Game (stand: 27.08.2013): "as it stands, no, Prodos Games are not approaching Chronopia. There are a variety of reasons for this." Additional is the problem, the costs for the Chronopia license is the same as for Warzone. It is to much for the young company to produce and support this unknown Universe. -> http://prodosgames.com/ -> brueckenkopf-online.com (German / Comments) 16.12.2012
Old Website downThe old Website from Chronopia World is offline. All files are transfer on this page.-> The old website with all stuff (Backup, 600mb) 08.09.2012
a fantastic priceOn ebay now a Swamp Goblin Sentinel for US $182.50 was sold. This is an incredible result for an old Chronopia figure.It was an unopened blister. -> Link to the ebay site 19.01.2012
Mutant Terror BirdYou looking for an Vulture Blood-Totem, you've found him!Alxbates, alias Alex Bates, has created the Mutant Terror Bird. He is available for 16 US-Dollar. -> The Forge of Ice Catalog! -> Message Board ![]() Artwork from Empire Chronopia ![]() Figure from Forge of Ice 01.12.2011
New DwarvesManic _Miner alias Andrew Coleman has created some wonderful proxies for Chronopia. These can be ordered from his website http://www.fouraminiatures.comMore appropriate for Chronopia figures are being planned. Vulture Marksmen Scavenger (Clan Wolf) Axe Warriors (Clan Wolf) 24.11.2011
25 Worst miniatures ever made?chestofcolors.com have an poll about "worst miniatures ever made". Two Candidates are the Chronopia figures "Dusk Realm Demon" and "Stygian Venom Spawn".-> http://chestofcolors.com/25-worst-miniatures-ever-made/ 20.11.2011
Constructible Armies ModuleEnd last year presented "Firstborn" his Chronopia Constructible Armies Module.-> Constructible Armies Module ![]() 05.11.2011
chronopia.plNice new Chronopia website: http://www.chronopia.pl/25.07.2010
New pictures from Matteo empire figuresAn Update from Matteo fantastic Chronopia Empire Project.-> Matteo Empire Gallery ![]() Blackblood against Firstborn 20.12.2009
New Chronopia blogChronopia 3.0 is a nice blog with battle reports, paint articles, new units, and many more.-> http://chronopia3.blogspot.com/ 05.08.2008
Testrules for Charnel GolemIn the Excelsior Message Board gives a discussion about the test-rules for the Charnel Golem from the Devouts.-> Charnel Golem -> Original-PDF -> Discussion 15.06.2008
Sons of KronosI founded a polish Version from the old Rulebook "Sons of Kronos". I canīt read polish, but for pictures and arts it is nice.-> Rulebook in the Download-Section 27.04.2008
Firstborn Army"thomas" maked a wonderfull painted Firstborn Army. Many new pictures from his figures can found on www.battlefieldscenics.com.-> Firstborn 01 05.04.2008
chronopiaworld.com - new Website with new urlHello guys.I worked in my freetime at a new website for Chronopia World. I planned many new things, but furthermore, i have a new url for the old site on www.kerlin.de/chronopia/. Most of the articles and downloads from the old site are online. Only the Faction section isnīt on. The url www.kerlin.de/chronopia/ goes down in the next months. It is better, then you noticed the new url. -> www.chronopiaworld.com 14.07.2007
New Figure from Cyclopes Forge - New DownloadsJackal Dwarf Crossbowmen came outCyclopes Forge have maked an new troop. The Devout Dwarfs from the Jackal Clan are wonderfull miniatures. -> Cyclopes Forge Online Shop New Downloads Two new downloads for the Unit Cards there in the download section. -> Downloads 25.04.2007
New ArticlesNew articles from the Excelsior Message Board:-> Company Rules and Knightly Orders (Optional rules) -> The Elvish Grail of our Fathers (Battle Report) -> Fishtown Chronopia Battle (Battle Report) -> Dark Tusk Totem In Trouble (Battle Report) 16.01.2007
2.Edition Rulebook as Download2.Edition Rulebook as DownloadSince yesterday, i have a black/white copy as pdf from the 2.Edition Chronopia Rulebook "War in the Eternals Realms" (Excelsior Entertainment) including Armylists. The 180 MB big file is now to find in the Downloadsection. -> to the Downloadsection 15.12.2006
New miniatures![]() Francesco Pizzo, a very nice italian painter from Chronopia figures, made his own company names "Cyclopes Forge". Cyclopes Forge have two TableTop Games, "Lost World" for a Science Fiction Version and "Ethernal Realms" is the name from the Fantasy TableTop. The first miniatures for this games are ready and Player can this order in the online catalog from Cyclopes Forge. The miniatures are very good Proxies for Chronopia and Warzone (see right a good Proxie for an Troll Deathseeker). -> http://www.cyclopesforge.com/ -> Online Catalog -> Cyclops Forge Message Board 12.10.2006
Big Update - New Downloads - New ArticlesBig UpdateI uploaded many old articles and items on the website. New Downloads In the Download Section there are new Fanwork. -> Download New Articles -> The Tale of a Hero (Short Story) -> Child of Darkness (Short Story) -> Wolfen (Optional Army) -> More information about the end of Target Games -> House of the Shadow Elves (Optional Army) -> Visions in Color - 2000 Special (Gallery) -> Devout vs Obsidian Elves (Battle Report) -> The Return of the Dwarven Lords (Battle Report) -> Gawyns Devout vs Pagans Firstborns (Battle Report) -> Before the Gate of the Labyrinth (Scenario) -> The Graveyard (Scenario) -> What does it mean to be evil? (Short Story) -> The Rise of the Topaz Scorpion (Short Story) -> BlackBlood feared by everyone (Short Story) -> Bowstormers (Optional Unit) -> Repulsar Knightīs - View of the Realm (Gallery) -> Dave Poolīs figures (Gallery) -> HAVE FAITH - Getting to know the Four Prophets (Devout) -> Painting Guide (Miscellaneous) -> First Chronopia released (Product History) -> Visions of the Chronomancer (Gallery) -> Painting tips for Blackbloods (Blackbloods) -> The Sword of Dargraal (Short Story) -> Tales of the She Wolf (Short Story) -> Lucca Comics and Games ī98 (Gallery) -> IN THE LEAVINGS OF WAR (Battle Report) -> The Struggles (Gallery) -> Chronopia Campaign Rules Version 5.0 (Optional Rules) -> "Civil War" (Short Story) -> Chronopia Campaign Rules (Optional Rules) -> "Maybe Next Time..." (Short Story) -> Scouts Honor (Short Story) 27.09.2006
EXE Forum online - New Downloads - New ArticlesEXE Board furthermore onlineThe Excelsior board is since few weeks furthermore online. -> http://forum54.oli.us New Downloads In the Download Section there are new PDFs. Three old things from the first Edition (Target Games) and the test Rulebook from Empire Chronopia. -> Rules (Downloads) New Articles -> Twillight's Call (Short Story) 29.08.2006
EXE forum offline, more message boardsEXE forum offline, more message boardsSince last week is the old message board from Excelsior down. I have no information about the matter of the downtime and if the message board go online in the next weeks. But here few links to another english message boards to Chronopia and Warzone: -> http://minirealms.com/ -> http://theminiaturespage.com/ -> Prince August Forum 03.08.2006
Prince AugustPrince AugustSince few weeks listing the swedish company "Prince August" Chronopia and Warzone products on eBay and her own website. This products (4 truck loads) came from the old Target Games UK (Ireland) production. The products are selling well so Prince August might consider getting a license to produce new Chronopia or Warzone figures. Thanks at Lars Edman for the informations. -> www.princeaugust.ie -> eBay Shop from Prince August -> News from TMP -> Excelsior message board 30.06.2006
News from Thom - EXE Board furthermore online - New ArticlesNews from Thom TalaminiThe User Topkick posted in the EXE Message Board this text: I just spoke to Thom Talamini via phone and he is alive, well and living in Philadelphia. The following were some of the topics addressed 1) The forums are not going anywhere. Thom never heard anything about the forums leaving and he said as far as he knew they were not shutting down. 2) Cerulean Mists. Great news that Thom is planning on announcing soon. 3) Warzone. See item 2 Bottom line is that Thom is on the road back and I for one am gonna stay the course. He will be posting soon (don\'t know how soon but soon) about upcoming plans. Keep the faith True Believers > http://forum54.oli.us EXE Board furthermore online The Excelsior board was planned to close down on 6/15/2006. But Lance to see to it that message furthermore online. Big thanks at Lance. > http://forum54.oli.us New Articles - CardinalBoras Miniatures (Gallery) (Update) 06.05.2006
Molds destroyed - EXE Website down - Excelsior insolvency - News to the licence - New ArticlesMolds destroyedExcelsior destroyed the molds and the master models of all figures. The base of this action is today unbeknown. > http://forum54.oli.us Excelsior Website down Since few weeks, the website from Excelsior is down. A backup from the webiste found you under this url. > link The message board is furthermore online. > http://forum54.oli.us Excelsior insolvency Since few months, Excelsior is insolvency. News to the licence Paradox Entertainment have today not a new licensed party for Chronopia. New Articles - CardinalBoras Miniatures (Gallery) - Tenebrous Crawler (Stygian) - Headhunter Champion (Swamp Goblins) - Mantis Guard Champion (Swamp Goblins) - Novice Shaman (Swamp Goblins) - Swamp Fiend (Swamp Goblins) 21.03.2006
Visions IV - Excelsior lost rightsVisions 04The new version of the Chronopia and Warzone Fan magazin "Visions" ist online. You can download this file in the download section on Chronopia World. Big thanks to Glenn M. (Lotus_Eater), the maker from Visions, for this file. - Chronopia Fanzines downloaden Excelsior lost rights Excelsior lost her license to product und distribut of Chronopia and Warzone products. Paradox is in discussion with new licensed party. Many discussion and infos about the situation gives in the Excelsior message board. - http://forum54.oli.us 04.02.2006
EXE-Board down - New figures - Blood Hunter - Chronopia frappr - Tunnel Fighter - New ArticlesEXEs Board downThe message board from Excelsior since few days down. The news to the down on the EXE Website from the 3.2.: "We are looking into the reason behind this error. Hopefully the forum error will be fixed within the next 24-48 hours." Update: Message Board is online. (04.02.06) - http://forum54.oli.us News figures Since the last News, Excelsior came out with new models. - Desert Wolf Warrior Warband (4) - Goblin Spearmen Warband (7) - Novice Shaman (1) - Risen Skeleton Archers- Assortment #1 (4) Blood Hunter About the new Devout Unit Blood Hunter gives new picture from WIP on the Excelsior site. - Blood Hunter Updates Chronopia frappr On the site frappr.com maked the Chronopia Fan the_Man a map about all Chronopia Players in the world. - www.frappr.com/chronopia New Picture from the Tunnel Fighter The Tunnel Fighter from Matt are in late wip status. - Picture from the two greens on prophet-miniatures.com New articles on the site - The Forgotten (Devout) 27.10.2005
New Stygian points - New Models? - Matt Gubser - New ArticlesNew Stygian pointsThom has refreshed the FAQ from Chronopia 2nd Edition in the new Message Board. One of the newest things are new point skills for the Stygians. - The new stygian stats in the EXE message board - Chronopia FAQ in the EXE message board New Models in the next weeks? Round about 15 greens are in work in progress. This says joshuaslater in the EXE message board. Poor example: Daughters of the Phoenix, new Risens, Lotus Guard and The Druin Warden for the SoK. joshuaslater wrote Thom told him he has a good price on the publishing to Cerulean Mists. He think the work to CM is finished. - New model gossip and EE machinations.. Matt Gubser Matt is the sculptor from the last dwarven models. The Desert Wolf Warriors and Wolf Clan Scouts came from him. Another figure from Matt is the Firstborn Exemplar. Today he worked at the Blood Bone Tunnel Fighter. - What else is Matt Gubser working on? - www.prophet-miniatures.com - Matt Gubser Website New articles on the site - Beyond the Astronomicon - Chronopia Review - first edition Chronopia rulebook. - The Ascended (Elven) - The Embraced (Elven) 05.10.2005
Chronopia Poster - Battle Sheet - New ArticlesChronopia PosterThom wrote in a thread in the Exelsior message board, it is planed to make Chronopia posters. But Excelsior have no enough ressource to do that in the next time. - The topic in EXEs message board Chronopia Battle Sheet The User Rorik36 in the message board from Excelsior make a battle sheet for Chronopia for the Origins. - The topic in EXEs message board - Battle Sheet download (pdf) New articles on the site - Black Lotus Eater (Elven) - Dragonskull Warrior (Elven) 28.09.2005
Revised Flying Rules - New ArticlesRevised Flying RulesThom posted in the new message board from Excelsior the Revised Flying Rules from Cerulean Mists. - The Flying Rules in EXEs message board - The Flying Rules on Chronopia World New articles on the site - The Flying Rules from Cerulean Mists - Order of Vengeance Dragon Singer (Dwarven) - Lotus Guard (Elven) 22.09.2005
EXEs message board online - Siege Mantlets stats - FictionalEXEs message board onlineSince monday is the new message board from Excelsior Entertainment online and today have this ~100 members (!). The old posts and members from the old message board are not in the new board. - Excelsiors Message Board Siege Mantlets stats Thom posted last day the stats from the warmachine Siege Mantlets in the new message board. - Siege Mantlet stats in the EXE board - Stats as download (pdf) Fictional Reality In the actually issue from this magazin gives two articles about Chronopia. A miniature review and a Excelsior preview. - http://www.fictionalreality.org/ New articles on the site - Kev White - in the Spotlight - War Torkha (Dwarven) - Order of Vengeance Warriors (Dwarven) 15.09.2005
Pictures from the new products - German chronopia weekend caPictures from the new productsThe new category "New Releases" in the online shop from Excelsior are pictures from the brand new Figures. Notably the second Desert Wolf Warrior, the second Blackblood Goblin Spearmen, the four Risen Skeleton Archers (Firstborn, Blackblood Goblin, Dwarven and SoK) and the Novice Shaman from the Swamp Goblins. - Chronopia New Releases German chronopia weekend campaign From 03. to 04.09.2005 has maked the german Chronopia Fans a Chronopia campain. The campaign are a fight about a very useful mine in the deathvally from Grenek. Many pictures and a report (only german) from the campaign found you on Chronopia Deutschland. - The vally of Grenek - many pictures New articles on the site - The Attack - 1. Edition, three army game. (scenario) - Clan Wolf Blood Totem (Dwarven) - Scavenger (Dwarven) 31.08.2005
New EXE Website Online - New Chronopia Products - New ArticlNew EXE Website OnlineSince 27.08. is the new website from Excelsior Entertainment online. In a new design and new structure in the shop. The message board cames in the next days. Actually gives new pictures (shop) and infos every day. - http://www.excelsiorentertainment.com/ New Chronopia Products In the online shop from Excelsior gives new Chronopia Products: - Braziers (4) (Warmachine) - Risen Skeleton Archers- Assortment #1 (4) (Devout) - Risen Skeleton Archers- Assortment #2 (4) (Devout) - Risen Skeleton Warriors- Assortment #2 (4) (Devout) - Warhawk Flight w/ Hunter (7) (Sons of Kronos) - Sons of Kronos Alternates (4) (Sons of Kronos - Old Target Games Models) - Novice Shaman (1) (Swampgoblins) New articles on the site - The Risen Legion of Tarinion - 1. Edition, (Optional units) - Chronopia: Dark Fantasy Combat System - first edition Chronopia rulebook. (product review) - The Battle - Fight between Blackbloods and Elves. (short story) - The Tower at Barnak - Story about an Enlightened. (short story) - Blood-Bone Warhammers (Dwarven) - Axe Warriors (Dwarven) Last updates on the site - Goblin Myrmadon - model review 24.08.2005
BeGames - New ArticlesBeGamesSince 1999 have BeGames a site online for any projects. One projects was a Chronopia Collectible Card Game. The project goes down with the end of Target Games. But in may this year they are new thinks on his site (the firsts since 1999). In the new shop gives a new Logo to Chronopia CCG project. BeGames have a own message board and he maked a url to Excelsior Entertainment. Is this a reactivation of her projects? - http://www.begames.com/ - http://webforum.begames.com/ New articles on the site - PsycholoZulus Deathmatch Rules - Ideal for fast fights on a small table. - Nightwalker Ezekiels Stronghold (gallery) - rescued from his website - Land of Two Rivers - product review - Firstborn Watchtower - product review - Mauler (Dwarven) - Tunnel Fighter (Dwarven) 17.08.2005
EXE site - New Articles - Last UpdatesNews to the EXE siteThe problems from Excelsior website seems to be bigger. Since today, the website has his normally url and a standard text by idle webspace. - http://www.excelsiorentertainment.com/ New articles on the site - The Awakening - 1. Edition, Stygian vs Crystal Lotus. - The Beastmen of Lokoth - 1. Edition, New Devout unit. (optional rules) - Blood-Bone Blood Totem (Dwarven) - Flayers (Dwarven) Last updates on the site - Links - urls corrected - Downloads - FR 09 - Scythe Worms new 10.08.2005
EXEs board on - New ArticlesEXE message board onSince last day is the message board from Excelsior online. The board style are new (white on white - no good). The users are NOT change the boardstyle in the profile! When changes the profile, the board account would be waste. Update: The Website from Excelsior is once again down. The newest problem is potentially unpaided bills. Actually the new startsite from Excelsior have only this text: "This Account Has Been Suspended Please contact the billing/support department as soon as possible." New articles on the site - Empire Chronopia - Information and rules of this game. - Vulture Blood Totem (Dwarven) - Impaler (Dwarven) 03.08.2005
EXE message board down - New ArticlesEXE message board downThe message board from Excelsior Entertainment is down. I didnt have any details to this down. New articles on the site - Target U.K. Shuts Down- Information about the end of Target Games. - Risen Archers (Devout) - Marksmen (Dwarven) 31.07.2005
Desert Wolf Warriors out - New ArticlesDesert Wolf Warriors outYes, the brand new Chronopia unit find you in the EXE Shop. Two Dwarven Warrior from Clan Wolf. A picture from one of them, are in the second link. A picture from second figure is undisclosed. The other pose features the axe raised over the dwarfs head. - Excelsior Shop: Desert Wolf Warriors - more information about the unit New articles on the site - Desert Wolf Warriors - Jackel Clan Crossbowmen 27.07.2005
New Articles - UpdatesNew articles on the site- Blood Hunters - Dusk Realm Warriors Updates - Downloads - Few articles from Fictional Reality ( www.fictionalreality.org ) 24.07.2005
49k pts fight - New Articles49k pts fightOn the Convention, DexCon 8, have make few gamer a big fight. 49.000 points is the new rekord. More information about this in the news from Excelsior. - The line has been drawn. New articles on the site - The Firstblood - 800 point Blackblood army - The Dark Vail of Aleha - 800 point Devout army - Great Warrior Scarnek - 800 point Stygian army - Goblin Swordmaster Champion - Troll Deathseeker 20.07.2005
Excelsior Website online - New ArticlesExcelsior Website onlineThe website from EXE is reactivated and online. - www.excelsiorentertainment.com New articles on the site - Greens from new Excelsior Entertainment figures - Ogre Elite Guard - Oger Deathseeker 17.07.2005
Dragonflight 2005 - Excelsior new hacked? - New ArticlesChronopia (and Warzone) on Dragonflight 2005The Excelsior message board user Steel Rabbit make DemoGames at august 26th-28th on the Dragonflight 2005. - www.dragonflight.org Excelsior new hacked? For Sunday evening is no longer attainable the entire Website, up to the starting side, by Excelsior Entertainment. Now one finds everywhere only a search machine. Update: The website would be switching to a different vendor. Perhaps it is in the process of being ported over and the domain has not been updated yet. - http://minirealms.com New articles on the site - Burning Blades - Black Sisters Champions 13.07.2005
hacked off - Dexcon 8 - New ArticlesExcelsior Site hacked offFrom 28.06. - 05.07. was the website from Excelsior hacked. Here the text from the EXE news: "As you may remember (being only a week old), the Excelsior site was hacked. We discovered at Origins we were one of 40 game companies so assaulted. The matter has been resolved now, for the most part and we are in the process of moving to a new web host to prevent further issues in the future. As an aside, the Online Shopping Cart was never affected by the HACK as it lies on a seperate and secured server. In fact, people who bookmarked that URL didnt notice any change in the site. So rest assured your information was never at risk. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciated your patience while we fixed the problem." Excelsior on Dexcon 8 In the days from July 13 through the 17 2005 find you a Excelsior stand on the Dexcon 8. Excelsior present several events including Ultimate Warzone and Chronopia National Circuit Tournaments. To top it all off Excelsior will be unveiling several new supplemental games to include Chariot racing and Demolition roulette/Autorage Maximus. AS a final treat there will be a sit down session with Thom after Saturdays UWZ tournament to discuss upcoming events and Projects. - www.dexposure.com/ine2005.html New articles on the site - Drakar och Demoner, the swedish Roleplaying game, is the base from the lately Tabletop. - Warriors of the Eternal Realm Painting Contest - Rules and Results 05.07.2005
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